27 December 2007


Just like "TAPAI" itself, and exactly derived from the tapai but the "tenigei" is not drink directly from the jar. If it is drank from the jar with the straw inserted into it, then it is called "Mensiop/Sosopon" that means the act of sipping the tapai directly from the jar. The "Tinegei" itself is more refined of the extracted juice of the tapai. Water is poured into the jar and a hose connected into the straw helps the channeling the the juice of the tapai. The extracted juice is known as "Tinegei" in my local dialect (Dusun - Kuijau) The taste will depend on how strong the tapai brew itself.


GuRaNgAk said...

Juicy juicy tinegei..Owyess.. I Like...!! :P

Sy curi satu gmbr dari blog kau kasi masuk blog sy :P Tdk smpt download yg dlm camera sy. Halalkan ja la kio..tengkiu. :D

Jeannie said...

puts 2 glasses near ya brew..fill us up..please...looks great!..Jeannie~Ray

Tompinai paladius @ NiT said...

Lol....You guys have to taste it one day. It's great and awesome...lol..

LeoFantasia a.k.a LEO said...

macam mo balik sana bingkor ooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

TIMADANG said...

ohh..nice post my friend

this is mean "lihing"?
someting like lihing right..

when we doing someting like
"managei" via small hose(joint the hos in bamboo stro)hehe :)

turn left,turn right..slow up n
down afther that we get water.(tinegei)

when u not put many water,n get
the water

that is we call (lihing water).

itu pun bisa juga oh...seminggu bah sia mabuk teminum tu duulu.

palin sia suka monsiop la...kalapik turss ...wakakakakaa ;)